Having trouble placing your order?
Detailed step by step instruction on how to buy from Drug Store UK
Step 1. Browse the catalog
- Browse through our catalog and find the product(s) you are interested in, only the best quality
- Or type what you are looking for in the search box.
Step 2. Add to cart
- Click on the desired product(s)
- Please check the product images and detailed description provided
- Select product quantity
- Click “Add to Cart” to continue
Step 3. Shipping option
- Once you have added the desired products to your cart, you will need to choose between Flat rate Shipping (3 days depending on your location) and Express delivery (overnight or within two days), then proceed to checkout.
Step 4. Checkout
- Once you have all the products you want in your cart and are ready to checkout, click on the cart icon (top right of your screen) and you will be redirected to the View Cart page.
Step 5. Payment instructions
- Choose bank transfer When you are ready, click on the checkout button to Place the order. After placing your order and we accept your order, you will receive an invoice telling you to contact us via email or Telegram. Orders will be packed or shipped only after payment is received.
Step 6. Delivery Tracking
- Once we confirm and collect your payment, your order will be processed and we will ship the same day if order is placed before 4pm or the next day. We will email your tracking number as soon as possible.
- For more details about our menu and services, as well as questions about shipping to your country or state, please contact us via our Telegram.